import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ChatFrame extends JFrame implements AppletStub, AppletContext { private JApplet appletPane; public static void main(String[] args) { new ChatFrame(new ChatApplet()); } public ChatFrame(JApplet a) { appletPane = a; a.init(); a.setStub(this); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { doExit(); } }); setTitle("ChatClient"); Dimension size = new Dimension(640, 415); setSize(size); setResizable(false); Point location = new Point(0, 0); try { ObjectInputStream iniIn = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream("chat.ini")); location = (Point)iniIn.readObject(); iniIn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* possibly no file, which is OK, or * corrupt which we don't bother with */ } setLocation(location); getContentPane().add(a); show(); a.start(); } private void doExit() { try { ((ChatApplet)appletPane).disconnect(); ObjectOutputStream iniUt = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("chat.ini")); iniUt.writeObject(getLocationOnScreen()); iniUt.close(); } catch (Exception exc) {} // I don't care System.exit(0); } // The AppletStub methods public boolean isActive() {return true;} public URL getDocumentBase() {return null;} public URL getCodeBase() {return null;} public String getParameter(String name) {return ""; } public AppletContext getAppletContext() {return this;} public void appletResize(int w, int h) {} // The AppletContext methods public AudioClip getAudioClip(URL u) {return null;} public Image getImage(URL u) {return null;} public Applet getApplet(String name) {return null;} public Enumeration getApplets() {return null;} public void showDocument(URL u) {} public void showDocument(URL u, String s){} public void showStatus(String s) {} }