16 October 2000
Christopher B. Wright
Editor in Chief
Simon Gronlund
Pete Grubbs
Richard R. Klemmer
Roberto F. Salomon
Ray Tennenbaum
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From the Editor
The Times -- are they a'changin'? Christopher
B. Wright says "maybe" -- if the OS/2 community can pull together
and make things happen. [more]
Wright's View
The Dangers of e-Commerce. There are
few. Christopher B. Wright ran in to one recently. [more]
Guest Editorial: Obvious
Roberto F. Salomon knows you
think it's obvious -- but he's going to say it anyway. [more]
Kensington Expert Mouse
Pete Grubbs takes a look at Kensington's
programmable, 4-button mouse. [more]
MIDI Station Sequencer
Christopher B. Wright shows you
-- at long last -- OS/2's very own native MIDI sequencing and audio recording application.
This article has not yet been posted. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, but I need a
few more days and that's just the way it is. [more]
eComStation Updates
Richard Klemmer gives
us the latest news on what is going on with Serenity System's eComStation preview.
Warpstock 2000: 20 Questions with Adrian Gschwend
Pete Grubbs saw Adrian
Gschwend at Warpstock 2000 and asked him the standard questions. [more]
Creating Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents in OS/2
Robert Basler shows you how to
create documents in Adobe's PDF format without leaving your OS/2 session. [more]
Using your Palm Pilot with OS/2, Part 2
The second in a series, Ray Tennenbaum
shows you some software that will make talking to your Pilot in an OS/2 session
easier. [more]
Hands on your home page, Part 2
Simon Gronlund continues his
HTML tutorial. [more]
Into Java, Part 10
Simon Gronlund gives us part
10 of his Java tutorial... [more]