OS/2 eZine

16 January 2001
Christopher B. Wright is no longer the Editor in Chief  of OS/2 eZine, but he'll still be around now and then to see  what's going on. During his "retirement" he plans to work more  on his web comic strip,  Help Desk.

If you have a comment about the content of this article, please feel free to vent in the OS/2 eZine discussion forums.

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From the Editor

December 1995 -- that's when I first started writing for a brand new web zine called OS/2 e-Zine!, the brain child of Trevor Smith. It was the second ever issue of the zine, and the first time I ever contributed anything to the OS/2 community. I reviewed a product called Object Desktop.

Six years later I find myself bowing out of the magazine after struggling to act as its Editor in Chief for a little more than a year. I don't mean to sound over-dramatic, but I feel kind of strange and a bit depressed about leaving it in the hands of other people. It wasn't my magazine to begin with, but I've worked on it for so long that I can't help but feel a bit sad at the thought of leaving.

You readers, on the other hand, should not feel sad, because I am leaving OS/2 eZine in very capable hands. Robert Basler, president of Aurora Systems, Inc., will be taking over the responsibilities of Editor in Chief for this magazine, and I am looking forward to seeing what he does with it.

While I am proud of many of the things I did for OS/2 eZine in its many incarnations, my tenure as Editor in Chief is not one of them. Were it not for the fact that at one point the alternative to me as Editor in Chief was that there be no magazine at all, I'd say that I should never have had the job. Although there's a certain ego boost involved in seeing your name in the top spot, the truth is that I'm a much better writer than editor, and I have neither the time nor technical background to do what needs to be done in order to get this magazine off and running. Robert has experience on both sides of the job -- as an editor and as a tech -- and is already working on improving the way OS/2 eZine is run. I hope you will all support and encourage him as much as you have me.

I want to thank the OS/2 community as a whole for your support, and for your many words of encouragement over the last year or so. I hope that someday, a well-rested, fresh me will be able to write articles for OS/2 eZine again. For the moment though, I need to read, sleep, play with my dogs and take my wife out to dinner.

Some of you may be amused (or astonished) that I have actually completed my review of MIDI Station Sequencer. I'd like to apologize to Christopher Hodges for taking so long to post this article... but I did, finally.

It's 11:00 PM on January 16, 2001. I have exactly one hour to get this issue online, before the issue is late. Thank you for your support. See ya around...

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