20 Questions at Warpstock - Introduction by Christopher B. Wright
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Summary: Pete Grubbs tracks down a bunch of people, and asks them a bunch of questions.

When Pete and I met up at this year's Warpstock, he was determined that OS/2 e-Zine! would not make some of the mistakes we made last year. As many of you might remember, we intended to post as-they-happened accounts of the ocming's and going's of Warpstock on our BBS... alas, due to troublesome internet connections, we were not able to consistently get connected and so our "reporting" was feeble... at best.

This year, however, Pete had a plan. He managed to corner quite a few of some of the ore well-known attendees at Warpstock, and wouldn't let them leave until they'd answered 20 questions. The result is a series of interviews, two of which you are about to read, and more of which will be posted in future issues of OS/2 e-Zine!

Pete Grubbs' interview with Gordon Roland, the Event Chair for Warpstock '99.

Pete Grubb's interview with Duane Chamblee, LAN administator at Indelible Blue and creator of the WarpUp CD.

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Copyright © 1999 - Falcon Networking ISSN 1203-5696 November 1, 1999