Into Java, Part II - MyBank.java - by Simon Gronlund
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Summary: Simon continues his exploration of the Java language... with sample code.

Into Java, Part II - MyBank.java

By: Simon Gronlund

The code of the class MyBank.java which takes use of the class BankAccount.

public class MyBank {
    public static void main (String [] args) {
        BankAccount john = new BankAccount("John");
        BankAccount chris = new BankAccount("Chris", 1000);
        System.out.print(john.toString() + ", balance: ");
        System.out.print(chris.toString() + ", balance: ");
        System.out.print(john.toString() + ", balance: ");
        System.out.print(john.toString() + ", balance: ");
        chris.name("Chris Wenham");
        System.out.print(chris.toString() + ", balance: ");
        BankAccount simon = new BankAccount(125000);
        System.out.print(simon.toString() + ", balance: ");
        System.out.print(simon.toString() + ", balance: ");
        System.out.print(simon.toString() + ", balance: ");

Copyright © 1999 - Falcon Networking ISSN 1203-5696
November 1, 1999